Latest posts: 9

Introducing Fregata and its bundle

My data migration framework and its Symfony bundle.

CommonMarkBundle v2 !

Releasing aymdev/commonmark-bundle v2.

Deploy from a changelog in GitLab CI

Automatically trigger deployments based on a changelog using GitLab API and Personal Access Tokens.

Configure a Docker registry for a GitLab Runner

Or how to bypass Docker Hub pull rate limits. And let's not forget about Docker-in-Docker !

Introducing CommonmarkBundle

A Symfony bundle for an easy league/commonmark integration.

PHP tests reports with GitLab CI

Testing is good, but it's even better with reports !

Using cache in GitLab CI with Docker-in-Docker

An important part of pipelines: build time ! And using cache in CI helps a lot.

Docker image building on GitLab CI

I decided to reconsider ma actual pipeline and to user my own GitLab Runner. It has been harder than expected.

Hello Blog !

A presentation of this blog project.